The Star-Spangled Banner, The Stars and Stripes, Red, White and Blue, Old Glory
The United States of America (USA / United States / US / America) is a country in North America. Made up of 50 states plus other territories, Islands and reservations it is the third largest country. It shares borders with Canada and Mexico. Its national language is English. Its capital is Washington, D.C. and the largest city is New York City.
The flag of the United States of America was originally adopted in December 1775, the current 50-star version was introduced on July 4, 1960. The design consists of thirteen alternating red and white horizontal stripes. The canton features 50 white stars on a blue field.
National Anthem: “The Star-Spangled Banner”
Capital City | Area (World Ranking) | 2023 Population (World Ranking) | Currency | Flag Ratio (Decimal) | Adopted |
Washington, D.C. | 9,833,520 km² / 3,796,742 mi² (3rd) | 331,449,281 (3rd) | United States dollar (USD) | 10:19 (1.9) | 1960 |

Where is the United States of America on a map of North America?